Other questions? Contact us:

  • Tangerine Functional Medicine does not accept insurance. Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t reimburse for things like: taking time with patients, focusing on the whole body, and promoting wellness…which are integral pillars of Functional Medicine. By not taking insurance, we can focus on you and your needs without having to jump through the hoops of insurance. However, investing in your health can save you money in the long run. By addressing and potentially reversing symptoms and root causes of disease, you will likely end up spending less on “sick care”, prescriptions, diagnostic tests and other expensive procedures down the road. This also allows us to be fully up front with pricing; you will always know exactly what you are going to pay, unlike when insurance is involved.

  • Functional medicine addresses the root cause of disease. It is a comprehensive, whole-person approach to health and wellness. Functional medicine restores healthy function by treating the whole person, not just the symptom or disease.

  • It will typically take 3-6 months, and visits are usually once a month. However, treatment plans are entirely individualized! Just remember, imbalances in the body don’t happen overnight, and it takes some time to reverse underlying causes of dysfunction. We are aiming for long-term wellness, not quick fixes.

  • After your initial consultation, we will begin to form a treatment plan. Lab orders will be placed based on your symptoms and health history. After the labs are done, we will have a follow up appointment to review your results and apply a further treatment plan. Frequency of visits and follow up will be determined with you based on your individual needs.

  • Yes! We utilize several lab companies for specialized functional medicine lab testing. Labs are ordered based on your symptoms, concerns, and health history at the first visit. If you need a blood draw, you can go to a lab site near you or have a phlebotomist come to your house.

  • Bioidential hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a more natural, safer alternative to synthetic hormone replacement. It is structurally identical to the hormones your body produces, so it doesn't have the same risks as synthetic hormone replacement. It is used to treat symptoms of perimenopause and menopause in women, and symptoms of androgen deficiency like low energy and low libido in men.

  • At this time, we are only licensed to see patients who live in Colorado.

  • We do all our visits via our secure telehealth platform, so you can consult with us from the convenience and comfort of your own home!

  • Functional medicine can be helpful for mood issues, brain fog, sleep problems, hormone imbalances, weight gain, thyroid imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation, PCOS, PMS, IBS, food sensitivities, optimizing wellness and longevity…and more! You can always message us or book a free 15 minute discovery call to see if we will be a good fit for each other.

  • A Nurse Practitioner is an advanced practice registered nurse. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) can prescribe medication, diagnose disease, and form treatment plans, similarly to a doctor. In Colorado, NPs are considered independent practitioners.

  • Having a primary care provider (PCP) is important. We do not provide primary care services such as annual physicals and acute sick visits, so we ask that you establish and maintain care with your primary care provider while you are consulting and working with us.

  • In some situations, prescription medications may be helpful as part of your treatment plan. If deemed appropriate, we can prescribe medications. With the exception of testosterone replacement, we do not prescribe controlled substances.

  • Yes, you may use your FSA or HSA account to pay for services, supplements, and lab costs. It is recommended to check with your FSA/HSA provider for more information on how to use these funds.